• MillipedesMillipedesMillipedes are invertebrate garden pest that thrive in moist environments and feed on decaying plants.Continue reading
  • Custom snail thumbSlugs & SnailsSlugs and snails are extremely common in Great Britain, You can easily tell the two apart by the presence of or lack of a shell.Continue reading
  • Moth thumbTortrix MothsTortrix moth caterpillars bind leaves together to create a cocoon, damaging them in the process.Continue reading
  • Chafer Grubs in TurfChafer GrubsChafer Grubs are the larval stage of the Chafer Beetle which feed on lawn roots.Continue reading
  • Earthworms in TurfEarthwormsEarthworms are tube-shaped insects living within soil that feed on organic matter.Continue reading
  • Leatherjackets in TurfLeatherjacketsLeatherjackets are the larval form of crane flies which may damage the lawn by eating grass roots.Continue reading
  • Frit Flies in TurfFrit FlyThe Frit Fly is a shiny, black insect that can cause a lot of damage to the lawn in large numbers.Continue reading
  • Ants in TurfAntsAnts are tiny red insects that exist in large colonies and can in fact benefit your lawn.Continue reading
  • Aphids in TurfAphidsAphids, AKA Green Flies, are tiny insects that can be a bit of a nuisance in your garden.Continue reading
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