
What is it?

Daisies, also known as Bellis Perennis, are one of the most common perennial weeds in the UK. It has a very distinct small flower consisting of white spoon shaped petals and a bright yellow inner dome. Although they may be linked with happy memories as a child, this plant can cause large problems within your garden. If left unkempt, larger colonies can overpower a particular area and overwhelm other wanted plants. This weed can appear throughout the year however it is most prominent during March and October.

When do they flower?

March – October.

Treatment and Control


Daisies can be removed by hand if in small numbers however it may be better to grab the chemicals when a large, persistent colony is apparent. A small knife or similar can be used to cut the weed and discourage further growth.


There are different weed killers available on the market today, it does just depend on how heavily affected your garden is. We thought we’d make it slightly easier and provide a bit of advice for small areas (where you may have the odd unsightly weed) and larger areas (where it’s an overgrown area, vastly populated by the overpowering little blighters).

Small areas: Glyphosate, applied sparingly with spray (be wary of overspray), sponge or paint brush. Try not to get any on the lawn, as glyphosate will kill every plant it touches.

Larger Areas: Use selective weed killer such as Verdone Extra as it targets the weed, without killing the lawn.

Did you know?

  • Daises are found all over the world apart from Antarctica
  • The leaves of the Daisy are in fact edible and full of vitamin C.
  • Have medicinal properties such as helping ease indigestion, coughs and a sore back.
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